Where Chris Stands on the Issues

Parental Involvement

As a parent of twin teenage boys and 2 girls enrolled in Bedford County Public Schools, I can relate firsthand to many of the circumstances that parents encounter.  Serving as the current District 7 School Board Representative I have been blessed to interact and communicate with parents, teachers and students from all sides of Bedford County.  Public feedback is the best way to have actionable results as we can only improve the system by receiving feedback and discussions.  We can only fix the problems that we are aware of.  Bedford County is fortunate to have so many parents that are involved in every aspect of their children’s lives and a willingness to advocate for them, I am here to be supportive to that role as your District 7 Representative. 


Our county, along with our entire nation, has been working to recover from the COVID learning loss and place our children back on a strong academic track.  Our goal should be to make up for the pandemic in a way that makes Bedford County a leader in academics across the Commonwealth.  Now, more than ever schools are finding curricula and classroom time spent on subjects that have nothing to do with the basics of education.  We need to get back to the fundamentals.  Our children’s education is the foundation for the rest of their lives, and we shouldn’t focus on curriculum that serves any other purpose.  Our children should be set up with both the work ethic and skills needed to be successful.  I believe that in building citizens, we need to start with a strong academic foundation.

Balanced Budget

Bedford County has seen an increase in per pupil spending for years.  As a successful businessman that employs over 200 people, I ask myself the question every taxpayer should be asking themselves, “What is the return on my investment?” and “Is my money being spent wisely?”  School budgets affect every taxpayer in Bedford County, if you have children or not, you are a contributing member to the school system and have a seat at the table.  My goal is to increase academic results, improve facilities and teacher resources without increasing taxes.  Many of the schools have been neglected or underserved and in some situations are affecting the opportunities of our children.  I will help budget and spend the BCPS money knowing that every Bedford County citizen entrusts me with that decision.  There will be full transparency and accountability to the financial decisions that are made around your tax dollars.  We will be wise about where to apply funds and how to reduce bloating and general spending year-over-year.  We face the challenge of having County reversion money and COVID funding that will eliminate millions of dollars from our spending. Bedford County needs a school board representative that has the experience balance budgets and working with conservative financial principles to make that happen, I have that experience with the 16 different businesses that I own. 

Teacher Advocate

After their parents, teachers are often the largest influences in a child’s life. We have all had a teacher that has made a profound impact on our life and invested in us personally as well as academically.  Behind the hours of grading papers and classroom games, we never knew if those teachers were supported with the right resources, classroom tools, pay scales, benefits and time management tools.  I want to ensure that they are.  Since being on the school board many teachers have approached me directly and did not feel comfortable approaching the administration for various reasons.  I will always advocate, support and press forward to provide the best environment for that teacher to succeed. As a father of a special needs child, I understand the difference a teacher can make and the range of services our schools must offer.  Not every child is the same, but our job should be to support the teachers that we entrust with those decisions to work with each child and provide them a safe place to share concerns without repercussions. Our teachers are on the frontlines every day.  We would never send troops into battle without the proper tools, technology or equipment to succeed.  Our approach with our teachers should be the same.  If we follow this approach of providing great compensation, support and ensure they are valued and heard we should attract the best talent for Bedford County Public Schools and retain the outstanding teachers and staff that we already have.